it is sooo not worth it being unhappy due to other people, okay!!!some ppl just could not get it that they are being very difficult to other ppl...xtaula org tu sedar ke x yg de tgh ssahkn org..huu..ssah sgt nk ttapkn n istiqomah dgn sabar.lg ssah nk blaja utk memaafkn n bersangka baik..
tapi,dalam byk2 tu,yg paling tak berbaloi sekali,bila diorang tu rosakkan hari kiter..tu la plg x berbaloi sekali n patut dijauhkan..huhhuhuhuuhhh..sabar!!!tak boleh lama macam ni..nanti termeletup..lebih baik plan for the worst..prepare to face them..face-to-face..huuu