
Thursday, 18 August 2011

time: limited edition

sometimes, it's warm. just yesterday, when i woke up in the morning, and the house was still quiet. nenek just sat beside me and told me the stories of her life. as she gets on with her story, and i just listen, i realized that, for a moment, she isn't getting herself tired, but still content. she suddenly forgets about the things that would usually lead her to yell. perhaps it's that easy, i said at the back of my mind.

from her stories, i learnt about adults and us. how much we differ. how much time has changed. and at that moment i could see the reasons of why sometimes she insists of something so much. why most adults would do that. like someone with OCD would. honestly, i'm one who is allergic to OCD people ( you can ask my friends..) but what i also realized, there's so much love and kindness behind everything. that she really didn't like to yell. that she also likes for things to be quiet.

life isn't long. people say, age eats you away. it's okay to lose to them sometimes, before you lose them forever. you might think that maybe they'll lose you forever first, but so what, in the end, it's not their gain, it's yours. do you think that every sacrifices you made is for them? no. it's for yourself. as mom said it. "jangan ingat bila kita buat baik kat orang, itu untuk orang. tak, sebenarnya untuk kita." because in the end, we are the ones to collect the fruits in akhirah. sometimes, you have to have patience. and for quite a bad-tempered girl like me, it's really a test. and i would have to repat to myself, "waktu anis kecik2 dulu sp yg jage?sape yg kne jage anis waktu baba n mama g kje?nenek..."

so, this is for nobody else, but me. a reminder for myself. a friend said " the only person i have to be better than, is the person i was yesterday" ^_^

Aku Ingin MencintaiMu

Friday, 12 August 2011

Zain Bhikha- Allah Knows

When you feel all alone in this world
And there's nobody to count your tears
Just remember, no matter where you are
Allah knows
Allah knows

When you carrying a monster load
And you wonder how far you can go
With every step on that road that you take
Allah knows
Allah knows

No matter what, inside or out
There's one thing of which there's no doubt
Allah knows
Allah knows
And whatever lies in the heavens and the earth
Every star in this whole universe
Allah knows
Allah knows

When you find that special someone
Feel your whole life has barely begun
You can walk on the moon, shout it to everyone
Allah knows
Allah knows

When you gaze with love in your eyes
Catch a glimpse of paradise
And you see your child take the first breath of life
Allah knows
Allah knows


When you lose someone close to your heart
See your whole world fall apart
And you try to go on but it seems so hard
Allah knows
Allah knows

You see we all have a path to choose
Through the valleys and hills we go
With the ups and the downs, never fret never frown
Allah knows
Allah knows


Every grain of sand,
In every desert land, He knows.
Every shade of palm,
Every closed hand, He knows.
Every sparkling tear,
On every eyelash, He knows.
Every thought I have,
And every word I share, He knows.
Allah knows

Monday, 8 August 2011


slms n happy ramadhan..

was back from the trip last week, alhamdulillah everything went well..was relieved to be back in homeland, but somehow, our hearts are as though they are left at the haramain..we'll always miss it, and pray that we'll go back there again, inshaAllah..relieved??pheww..the foods????haha..ini kena cerita dalam bahasa melayu..haha..

stiap kali nk mkn, samada tgh tgk2 buffer atau tunggu2 mknn utk diserve, ktorg akan tahan gelak..sbb selalu ad surprise..surprise ape???jeng3..surprise tu mknn de lar..bler nk mkn tu rse mcm tgh membokar satu misteri nusantara..tertanya-tanya, boleh telan ke x mknn tu nt???huu..mknn dorg,hrmm, bkan x it just don't suit our malay tongue..ader satu kali tu ktorg pegi rumah kawan baba, and they served this's the roti arab yg nipis with minced meat n chilles on top, n then they fold it..really, its.....i don't know, just like i've said it,not for our tongue..after we had one each, uncle fatih and aunty betul told us to have some more. do you know, the mean average of lahmachun per person is 5 pieces???we had to struggle with one..and majority stop until there, but i took two, sebab kesian tgk aunty betul semangat n nampak sincere sgt nk ktorg makan n suker lahmachun tu..huu..bukan nak kutuk ke aper, tp itulah manisnya kenangan, semanis aunty betul's homemade muhallebi..yg ni btul2 pudding yg soft, (slalunye kan pudding firm skit, tp ni mcm ala2 cream)..dessert made of milk n vanilla n tepung 2 thums-up..sdaaap..

so ble dh tau misteri tu,same2 gelak..kelakar tgk berapa je dr those foods  yg palatable (bukan sy, sy slalu mkn je klu org serve, kesian kat dorg..huu..)  ktorg slalu paksa diri sendiri mkn,msg2 waktu tu dh stat buat muka (tringt time grilled mackerel de..nme mcm xkanla lain sgt, tp rupenye btul2 lain..)..n stiap kali (ni kat turkey) akan ader satu serving pinggan besar sayur jer..wahaha..dgn ktorg yg 3 dari 8 org je mkn sayur dlm family, it usually goes to....i don't wanna tell..patutla org2 turki smue cantik2 n slim2 n tinggi2..dorg mkn byk sgt sayur!!!ok..sbb sy pcaye pd yg evidence-based, jd sy pn akan start mkn syr..(yer la tu)n lg satu sbb maybe dorg tu cantik2, dorg ad minuman bernama AYRAN..
jaga2 dgn AYRAN ni, de adalah yogurt pure yg lbih masam,zero gula..xde org dlm family ktorg suker..bnde tu mcm nightmare bg ktorg, ktorg smue share satu gelas ayran tu n sorg dpt satu air kosong yg terasa sgt heaven..huu..ayran tu dorg minum mcm kte minum air sirap..maybe byk bnde x palatable tu sbb dorg x byk gune salts n flavorings..huu..ksian ktorg..dari mknn2 msia yg pnuh dgn rempah, ke mknn yg zero-rempah..maybe sbb tu jgak kot dorg shat2 (yg ni tipu, xtau pn statistics hypertension, dm n etc kat saner..huu..)

tp alhamdulillah, as we moved on to urdun, it was better, except for the portion size, it was 3:1 in msia..huu..ktorg dpt mkn kinafah, it's a dessert kind of dish yg originated from the palestinians( fyi, the palestinians population 1:6 jordanian in jordan) kinafah ni ktorg yg minx kat tour guide tu, so de bw kat tmpat yg de recommend..waktu tu dh mlm, lpas maghrib..sejuk de, sejuk giler!!!huu..dhla ktorg pg tu dr petra,so xde prepare xtra clothing pn, tp tuptup, nk g mkn tu sejuk msuk kat restoran tu smorg tgh mkn bnde petak yg mcm bread pudding tp nipis..rupe2nye bnde tulah kinafah..n kinafah ni, wlupn dessert, de diserve panas, so, sgtla global warming utk kami2 yg tgh amaran, x boleh mkn lbih dari satu, nanti muak..hehe.. ..

but the best is when we got to Madinah and Makkah..the travel agent provided bfast, lunch n dinner, thus, we got malay foods..huu..besnye dpt mkn blik..dhla sedap2 plak tu mknn puji Andalusia ni..hee..tapi ktorg rse jgak mknn org arab, n shawarma best!!!tazaaj maharaja pn ok..hehe..tu je entry kali ni..

bulan2 puase ni criter psal mknn,ish3 =P

Sunday, 17 July 2011

kita 'straight' minta dgn Allah.moga Allah permudahkan segala yg susah

solat hajat yg mengesankan: kita 'straight' minta dgn Allah.moga Allah permudahkan segala yg susah.Pertolongan Allah akn dtg tanpa disangka2,jika hati kita sentiasa brsamaNya.slmt berbakti para siswa.=)-Jiwa Kelajuan

sebenarnya, cik jiwa kelajuan ni x diketahui lagi identitinya. tp beliau erupakan seorg kawan di facebook..kemungkinan besar slh seorang akhawat uia kuantan juga. sgt suka tgk post2 dan gambar2 yg diuploan n dikongsi oleh beliau. sgt mnyentuh hati. barangkali kerana ikhlas di dalam hatinya. 

knape statement kat atas tu? sbb sy sndiri rse sy byk mnerima dari Dia, alangkah bersyukurnya. dlm mggu ni terlalu byk kebaikan yg dikirimkan. rse bertuah sgt. syukur. dan seharusnya berusaha untuk jadi insan yg lebih baik. pd awl mggu ni terase mcm nasik yg tersepit dek chopstick tu. hilang spek. nk camera untuk trip. nk headset utk trip. nk spek baru. tp onglos nggak ada. tp tringat ad duit rayer y disimpan suatu ketika dlu. ingat nk gne. crik pnye crik, smue x jumpe. stor tu bp kali punggah. tp alhamdulillah, wlupn x jmpe duit rayer tu, jumpe jam yg dh hilang. jam tu sgt bermakne sbb de hadiah dari inche jeffrey (ayah sy). dan sy syg de. dan sy syg jam tu jgak. hehe. ingat xkan jumpe dh jam tu.. satu kali bl tingat sgt kat jam tu(emo n sentimental gler..) ltak kat status something mcm ni " tapela klu x jumpe kat dunia, sbb pasti Allah ad sediakan yg lain utk diri ni..klu bkan kat dunia ni, kat akhirat saner..", Allah bg jumpe jam tu selepas bbrape mggu inche jeffrey (lg skali) bli jam utk sy buat ganti yg dh hilang (sbb waktu hilang tu inche jeffrey yg pgg sbb nk anta repair..hehe..), cmne? sy mle2 nk tamak nk simpan due2 jam, tp sbb tingatt smuenye dari Diaa, x perlu nk tamak2, sy bg kat kk sy yg bru pnye..lgpn de mintak..

ehh, nape msuk bab ni jam ni plak??hehe..bkan saje tuh, rmah yg puan saadiah nk sewakan ad sdikit kemalangan / kebakaran.nk dijdkn criter, sy pn trlibat..huu..

tp kasih syg Allah tu sgt byk..parents sy yg asalnya xnak sponsor smue bnde di atas, jadi sponsor..semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat yg x sudah2 utk rse sy syg sgt bsyukur dan beruntung berada dlm keluarga ni..hehe..dari spek, earphone n camera.. ps camera tu bkan hakmilik sdn bhd, family bhd. hehe. lpas tu, laptop yg dh bbrape mggu rosak, dpt on smule. ni puan saadiah sponsor. keke. klu nk dikira segala nikmat dari Nya yang Maha Pengasih,takkan terkira..

begitulah dlm ayat 34 surah ibrahim 
"Dan Ia telah memberi kepada kamu sebahagian dari tiap-tiap apa jua yang kamu hajati. Dan jika kamu menghitung nikmat Allah nescaya lemahlah kamu menentukan bilangannya. ..."

Friday, 1 July 2011

nawaitu hati

byk perkara kecil disebabkan niat menjadi besar, dan banyak perkara besar yang menjadi kecil kerana niat..sentiasalah selidiki hati, pastikn ad udang sebalik batu. tp tnyalah sekali lagi apakah ia? adakah ia merupakan pujian manusia, apakah ia kerana kepuasan nafsu? atau kerana Tuhanmu Yang Maha Pengasih, dan selayaknya kamu sembah? atau kerana kekasihNya, yang telah byk berkorban untuk kamu? boleh jadi juga untuk insan lain di dunia ini, yang kamu cintai kernaNya, ibubapa kamu, adik-berdaik kamu, atau seorang mukmin lain..perhatikanlah niat, agar kamu dapat semaksima dari titik2 peluh kamu..wallahua'lam..

Monday, 27 June 2011

Sunday, 26 June 2011

think again!

i really feel like penning something down. but no idea yet. this might come out useless, but i'll try my best. i know i have a problem, and that is, i always judge people. especially when he is giving something. i would ask why he would do so? hat does he want in return? is it of his nature to do so? and one evil question sometimes come, is he eligible to do do? i'm talking about who gives religious speeches, especially. astaghfirullah. sometimes, we can be so accepting of others, but when it comes to good things, we choose to be so picky. while Allah swt in His Mercy has created men in the best of moulds, as He has said :
We have indeed created man in the best of moulds (95:4)

i should next, question myself, who am i to judge him? am i any superior to him? do i know better? am i more righteous than him? because Allah has said in the Quran too,
in Surah Al-Hujurat:13 "Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you"

 and for righteousness, Allah is the only judge. i've done this through years, and i hope Allah will forgive me. for i had not been able to strain my feelings at times. i pray that Allah will bless all those who works for Islam, and include me among them. and make us all meet in the Jannah Firdaus, with our beloved and dearest Prophet Muhammad (saw) <3

Thursday, 23 June 2011

sEEkErs oF knOwlEdgE...inshaAllah =)

remember what i wrote last night???about lessons from Surah Yusuf. i had stopped at lesson number 1 i.e. jealousy kills the heart. as what is usually quoted: jealousy is light a flame: it burnts itself before burning others. before the actions of the jealouser reaches the person who is jealoused, the jealouseer had first destroyed himself first. for Allah only decides to whom He wants to bless His rizq to. and by being jealous, it is although we're not satisfied with His decree for the person to receive his portion and not being thankful for whatever Allah had given  him previously. so, whenever we feel like wanting the same good thing that Allah has bestowed to those around us, pray that Allah will bless him through that good thing and adds to more to it, and Allah bestows the same for us too..inshaAllah =)

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

sEEkErs Of knOwlEdgE...InshaAllah =)

alhamdulilah. truly, all praises are to Him. tonight is special, i was given a chance to listen to a very wonderful talk by Brother Reda Bedeir. i found his speech like a flowing river, very smoothe saling, polytonous (if i may use that word). have you or anyone told you that there are just some ppl whom when they say something, it goes into the heart directly. and as though at the first encounter, it would stay there foever. and i find this brother that way. may Allah bless him, and bless Islam with him. he reminded me of syeikh anwar al-awlaki. the topic for the night was about Surah Yusuf. there were so many things that came out from his mouth, and i felt like catching every bits of it. but i could not, He started of with with a story of a sahabah, name Tsauban (as). He is known to have a very compassionate heart for the Prophet (saw), as what Rasulullah(saw) felt for him. whenever he could not meet with Rasululullah (saw), he would be anxious, crying, and in his heart, his only wish is to meet with the Prophet(saw). One day, Rasulullah (saw) saw him, and he appeared pale. Rasulullah asked him why. and he replied: "Oh Rasulullah, now i could see you whenever i miss you. but one day, either i will go away first or you. and there will the Hereafter. you are promised jannah. and i don't know if i may enter it. and even if i do, you are promised al-firdaus. then i'm afraid that i would not see you again". Tsauban was already crying at this point.

and do you know what Rasulullah (saw) replied???Rasulullah (saw replied: You will be those whom you love <3

and the brother went on with surah Yusuf. he didn't narrate the surah to us, neither did he explained the whole tafsser with us. and i could see why, for the time was jealous. jealous???that was among the lessons learnt from surah Yusuf. jealousy is forbidden, but for two things. i.e.
1. towards someone who studies the Qur'an, act upon it and spreads it
2. towards someone with good wealth i.e. clean wealth, gives out sadaah and zakats too

as of now, it's already past 1 in the moring. gotta have some sleep. slm <3

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

pie pie pie =/

today i planned to make an apple pie. but after beating the dough set it aside to 'rest' in the fridge, i suddenly just don't feel like it. yesterday i already made cheesecake, which is also sweet. so i decided to make beef pie with the dough. however, as i am not yet used to handle beefs, i had to wait for either my mom, sister, or maid. which none of them was home. and the beef pie turned out to a pizza (except that it the brown gravy.haha.) it was a failure, but i learnt new things. like
1. while frying the wheat flour (for the gravy), the fire has to be low so that the flour doesn't clump together.
2. the recipe my friend told me really worked, that is, just by frying the wheat flour (until it becomes brown) and add water after that really can produce a brown sauce
3. hrm..i can't think of no 3 yet.
hehe. and so, the pie-turned-out-to-be-'pie' was served at dinner (also with other dishes mind you). but i persuaded mom and dad to have some. along with my sisters. haha. my dad had always been the victim for our cookings. i remembered he had to do it for Along too..and now it's my turn. the cheesecake i made yesterday, i had it put in his lunchbox. and i also made asiah bring almost a quarter to her school. but then, guess what her friends said???it's delicious!!!alhamdulillah..tomorrow i've got to try the beef pie again..

Sunday, 19 June 2011

my sunday~

alhamdulillah,finished the two-day course today. following which the whole family went to a family friend's house for our parent's college reunion. good foods, mashaAllah.

there were many things i learnt. bro nuruddin told us of many things, while the topic was on shariah specifically. we started off from the basics. from its definition, its sources, how the scholars differ and why they differ. it came to me, that there are lots of topics discussed within my community that are not really important. i am not saying that it is not important at all, of course ppl would like to know why they differ, and what's the basis of their customs. but there isn't any need to fight with each other, creating disunity, belittling others. when even the scholars have agreed to disagree. what to me is the most important lesson i learnt, is that, in the context of muamalah, which includes most of human dealings (with the exception of specific worships), it is halal until proven otherwise. how much this statement would change the way someone would view or think if another asks him about the rulings in Islam.

i would, inshaAllah, post details about it, but not tonight.

another thing that amazed me is that the brother knew the reference to his points. he could quote the Quran and the Hadiths well. i was impressed with him, just as i am impressed with my doctors (ie lecturers), who seems to know answers to most questions. alhamdulillah, there is such delegating and dedicating Muslim these days. 

Saturday, 18 June 2011

sEEkEr Of knOwlEdgE..iNSHaAllah =)

alhamdulillah, given a chance to attend a course by Muslim Professional's Forum(MPF), the speaker was Syeikh Nuruddin Lemu. When my dad first announced that we (by that i mean my sisters and i) had to attend a two-day course over the weekend. we weren't excited, well, i am certainly was not excited. hehe. when no 5 asked about the speaker, and my father mentioned Syeikh Nuruddin Lemu, i was also certained i've heard the name. It was mentioned by a speaker, whom i've heard from while i was still in Kuantan, perhaps, just a month back. the speaker spoke highly of Syeikh Nuruddin. and that moment, i wasn't unexcited anymore. i want to know this great syeikh, or at least hear directly from him. so i did this morning. it was great. refreshing and new-insight, of things that i knew and thing i didn't. i am so delighted that i had that chance. tomorrow would be another day.
i want to grab as much things as i can, inshaAllah =)

happy father's day!!!

18/6:something funny just happened..haha..i posted happy father's day just now..and guess what..a status update at a friend's were wishing happy father's day too..with cute addtional texts..then someone left a comment: haha.esok father's day..kkakakaka..i wanna laugh..i knew it's 19th (jst recently though), but in the midst of these hols, i failed to keep track of the dates..haha..what's funnier, i'm not the only one =P

Friday, 18 March 2011

Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose, glory to You!

the past 2 days were packed..but really enjoyed it..esp today..mama were revising on her hafazan..and she made me repeat after her for 2 verses..and i did, then she made repeat it until it stays in my head..then she "never forget those 2 is the gift of the day..from mama.."
i was flattered ma..i'll keep it in my heart and try my best to put them in my actions..inshaAllah.. these were the 2 verses:

الَّذِينَ يَذْكُرُونَ اللَّهَ قِيَامًا وَقُعُودًا وَعَلَى جُنُوبِهِمْ وَيَتَفَكَّرُونَ فِي خَلْقِ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضِ رَبَّنَا مَا خَلَقْتَ هَذَا بَاطِلاً سُبْحَانَكَ فَقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ 

Ali Imran-191. Those who remember Allah (always, and in prayers) standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and think deeply about the creation of the heavens and the earth, (saying): "Our Lord! You have not created (all) this without purpose, glory to You! (Exalted be You above all that they associate with You as partners). Give us salvation from the torment of the Fire.

رَبَّنَا إِنَّنَا سَمِعْنَا مُنَادِيًا يُنَادِي لِلإِيمَانِ أَنْ آمِنُوا بِرَبِّكُمْ فَآمَنَّا رَبَّنَا فَاغْفِرْ لَنَا ذُنُوبَنَا وَكَفِّرْ عَنَّا سَيِّئَاتِنَا وَتَوَفَّنَا مَعَ الأَبْرَارِ       

Ali Imran-193. "Our Lord! Verily, we have heard the call of one (Muhammad ) calling to Faith: 'Believe in your Lord,' and we have believed. Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and remit from us our evil deeds, and make us die in the state of righteousness along with Al-Abrar(those who are obedient to Allah and follow strictly His Orders).

i love mom~ 

Monday, 14 March 2011

if he (saw) was between us...

how much i miss him
(peace and blessings be upon him)

I wonder........................

If Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) visited you
Just for a day or two,
If he came unexpectedly,
I wonder what you would do?
Oh I know you would give your nicest room,
To such an honored guest,
And you would serve him your very best.

You would be the very best,
Cause you're glad to have him there,
That serving him in your home
Would be a joy without compare.

But...when you see him coming,
Would you meet him at the door
With your arms outstretched in welcome,
To your visitor?

Or...would you have to change your clothes
before you let him in?
Or hide some magazines and put
The Quran where they had been?

Would you still watch those movies,
Or your T.V. set?
Or would you switch it off,
Before he gets upset.

Would you turn off the radio,
And hope he had not heard?
And wish that you did not utter
your last loud hasty word?

Would you hide your wordy music,
And instead take out Hadith books?
Could you let him walk right in,
Or would you rush about?

And I wonder...if the Prophet spent, a day or two with you,
Would you go on doing the things you always do?
Would you go right on and say the things You always say?
Would life for you continue
As it does from day to day?

Would your family conversations,
Keep up their usual pace?
And would you find it hard each meal,
To say a table grace?

Would you keep up each and every prayer?
Without putting on a frown?
And would you always jump up early,
For Fajr at dawn?

Would you sing the songs you always sing?
And read the book you read?
And let him know the things on which,
Your mind and spirit feed?

Would you take the Prophet with you,
Everywhere you plan to go?
Or, would you maybe change your plans,
Just for a day or so?

Would you be glad to have him meet,
Your very closest friends?
Or, would you hope they stay away,
Until his visit ends?

Would you be glad to have him stay,
Forever on and on?
Or would you sigh with great relief,
When he at last was gone?

It might be interesting to know,
The things that you would do.
If Prophet Muhammad, came,
To spend some time with you.

Most of the ‘broad minded’ Muslims these days will do what they are doing daily. You know why? Because, as per them, Islam does not impose its rules upon someone. They can choose and do whatever they want to.
Look at the strict lives of Sahaba and look at our lives.
Islam wants us to follow its guidelines strictly to develop discipline so that we can steadily walk on the right path.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

sambil2 tgu macaroni tu nk bake, nk buat satu pasal tbe2 msuk psal jodoh???sbab ak x ske org slhkn minat or kerjaya or tumpuan sbb x jumpe jodoh..bukan ke jodoh tu kat tgn Tuhan?smuenye dah tertulis sejak azali lagi..pena2 telah diangkat dan lembaran telah kering..tiada siapa yang boleh halang jodoh, mcm mne tiada sp yg boleh paksa jodoh..paksa???sape yg nk paksa2 ni???meh ceq nk crita..

pd suatu hari, berkumpullah bbrape org manusia dari pelbagai lapisan masyarakat yang bertanyakn pdku tentang kahwin..jawapan standar ak, takde calon lg...lpas tu, ad sorang kakak ni kate: tu la..kejar sangat medic tu..
ak yg dengar ni,rse smacam ajer..harap2nya xdela emo sgt, ak jwb blik: klu cari inshaAllah blum mencari sbb blum rse masenye dh tiba..huu..

seharusnya ak bersangka  baik terhadap kakak tersebut..tapi dlm fikiran ak pada waktu tu, takkan lah ak nk ad pakwe skrg ni..lpas tu, ape salah medic???huu..bkannye ak nk pertahankan sebuah jurusan, tapi impian..chewwah..hehe..bkanke dlm medic pun ad terdiri dari 2 jenis jantina jgak..ape yg lainnya..???klu nk salahkan medic, ape criter sebalik doktor kawen dgn doktor?huu..x smestinya medic, klu ad yg rse priority harus diberikan pd hal lain selain jodoh, apa salahnya?tp smue tu dalam fikiran ak saje...
sbb bg ak, x kiralah ape org nk kater, kte sndiri lbih arif perihal diri sndri..hee..ak ckp mcm pandai sgt je..huu..x ksahlah..ape2 pn, smoga Allah memberkati kita smue =)

tringat pd sorg kawan ni, de mnanges suatu hari tu crite pasal pakciknya yang belum2 kawen sbab jaga neneknya..waktu tu dlm majlis ilmu yang bercerita ttg kelebihan rumah tangga..ak kagum pd pakcik tu, sbb mmg dlm fitrah manusia untuk merasa dikasihi  dan mengasihi..tetapi caranya lain daripada yang biasa, kerana segenap kasih sygnya tertumpu pd si ibu, bukan seorang isteri..

bukan ak membangkang apa2 yang berkaitan dengan berkahwin awal dan segala kebaikan yang dtg jgn biarkan ia jd fitnah pula..sememangnya Rasulullah (s) berbangga dgn umat yg ramai..